Why Would I Get Denied For A Loan From A Bank?

There are many reasons that you could get denied for a loan from the bank. If you are denied it is a good idea to ask for the possible reasons so that you can either try to fix the problems or change your situation. 

1. Debt 

When you apply for a credit card or a loan, the financial institution, you are applying to,  will look at the amount of debt that you have. This will help them to figure out if you will be able to repay the loan you are applying for. Even if your credit score is good, your debt may be the reason your loan is declined. 

2. A Negative Event

You can have a really great credit score but if you have a negative event on your credit report it could result in your loan being declined. Even if you have gone through bankruptcy or foreclosure, it is possible to still build up your score, but this event will play a role in whether or not financial institutions will approve your loans. 

3. Incorrect Loan Application

Your loan gets approved or declined based on your application form. The banks use the information on the forms to decide whether or not to reject or accept your loan. It is important to make sure that you supply all of the relevant information on your form so that banks have all of the information they need. 

4. Job Instability 

Your employment status plays a big role in whether or not your loan will be approved. If you have a stable job, you will have a stable income and should, therefore, be able to pay the loan back. If your income is not stable, banks may be more inclined to decline loans. 

If your loan is declined, it does not mean it will be declined every time. Find out the reason your loan was declined and then do what you can to fix it and apply again. 

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By K.D.

Your favorite person that has a nerdy love for all things finances and goal setting. Born immigrant who came to the U.S. and is living the American dream with a lot of God's Blessing and hard-work, that is. Thanks for joining my world. Virtual hugs!

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