What Makes a Great Entrepreneur?

We can all agree that being an entrepreneur is not for everyone?

You’ll need to put in long hours and years of hard work. This is something challenging, but not without its amazing benefits. If you’re hoping to live life on your terms, perhaps this is something you’ll want to consider. But how do you know if you’re cut out for life as an entrepreneur? Here are some key traits you’ll need to cultivate for success in business;

1. Discipline

This is an essential quality for success in entrepreneurship.

Great entrepreneurs are masters of self-discipline. They have perfected self-control and self-direction to help them eliminate obstacles and distractions while actively taking the steps needed to reach their goals.

2. Passion/determination

If running a business is easy, everyone will be entrepreneurs. 

There will be days with challenges, but your passion and persistence will keep you going. It’s usually a long walk to success, but your self-belief will keep you motivated to always keep trying till everything clicks. 

3. Decisiveness

Great entrepreneurs are people who are not scared to take action. 

They are decisive, action-oriented, and fast-moving. They don’t get scared of making mistakes but would rather self-correct or activate a plan B if they find out they made a mistake. 

4. Sense of direction

Because of the turbulence that may come with owning your own business, entrepreneurs risk getting carried away by the short-term challenges. 

But long-term success cannot be achieved without a clear sense of direction. Great entrepreneurs understand this, so they always have their eyes fixated on the big picture even while dealing with short-term problems. 

5. Strong people skills

You’ll manage people, so your people management skills will impact your business success. 

Great entrepreneurs understand the need for excellent communication to sell products and services to clients, relate with, and motivate their employees. 

6. Good work ethics

Want to live life on your terms? Be an entrepreneur, isn’t it?

Well, being an entrepreneur does not give you an automatic license for laziness. Often, the most successful entrepreneurs arrive at the office first and are still the last to go home. While you don’t want to overburden yourself, you’ll need to put in the necessary work before your efforts start to pay off. 

7. Integrity

You’ll need to earn the trust of your customers, partners, employees, investors, etc.

This is why your reputation and integrity will go a long way to determine your business success. Great entrepreneurs understand not to compromise their integrity. Their word is their bond, and they go above and beyond to honor everything related to their business.

You may not have the record of the Richard Bransons and Elon Musks of this world. But there’s no single blueprint for what an entrepreneur should be. Instead, your success and greatness will be determined by how well you’re able to cultivate and demonstrate the positive traits above while eliminating the detrimental negative ones. 

Are you ready to take the first step

in becoming an entrepreneur

but not sure how to start?

By K.D.

Your favorite person that has a nerdy love for all things finances and goal setting. Born immigrant who came to the U.S. and is living the American dream with a lot of God's Blessing and hard-work, that is. Thanks for joining my world. Virtual hugs!

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