Travel Season is upon us & How to Save

Happy July!  We are in the full swing of the summer season. Hopefully you took part of the June 2018 no spending challenge.  Even if you didnt, there are soo many ways to save. We tend to spend more cash in the summer season especially becasue July is a big travel month.  Honestly if it not in your budget you shouldnt travel. We often convince ourselves that we deserve things even if we cant afford it. What we really deserve is a peice of mind that happens when we are debt free.


Travelling is always trending.  Its not everyones thign but its definelty my thing.  But I make it happen only if I meet me financial goals.  Honestly, I make sure my financial goals are met just so I can travel.  But travel will always be there. Truthfully, add it to you list of things you want to acomplish and work towards it.  In the next few weeks, I will be offering my first e-book on Travelling on a budget. How I did it and how you cando it too when you accomplish those pesky financial goals.


Many forget about one of my favorite vacations and that is a ‘staycation’.  Staycation: spending time in your local area during your time off. I know it may sound boring for some but there is always things that we can learn and visit within our own back yard.  Most neighborhoods offer festivals, workshops, block parties, free concerts during the summer months. We need to take advantage of those special events. It helps to save money and also allows us to rest and restore.  Examples of activities to do at home that will bring you joy and restoration for Free or minimal cost.

  1. Have potlucks, cook outs, bbqs and/or game nights. (Have guest bring an item to share)
  2. Go to the beach, lake, park, hiking alone or with friend
  3. Catch up on the book you started or binge watch your favorite netflix movie
  4. At home spa days- run a bath, fill a basin for a foot soak, do a facial
  5. Visit an old friend that is local that you havent seen in a while
  6. Research all the free concerts and local events and go to your favorite ones
  7. And the best one of all Actually rest and do NOTHING!

Vacation is about restoration, we in the States are not good at doing nothing to restore. We fill every waking moment with things to do.  We often spend tons of money filling in the empty spaces of our life. Remember to do things that matter like spending time with God, catching up with the ones we love, allowing time to rest.  Try a few of these things or even recommend your own. At the end of the day these are just a few tips that will help you restore your pockets as well as your health.

By K.D.

Your favorite person that has a nerdy love for all things finances and goal setting. Born immigrant who came to the U.S. and is living the American dream with a lot of God's Blessing and hard-work, that is. Thanks for joining my world. Virtual hugs!

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