Money Lost? Don’t Ignore Your Mail

class actionclass suit, or representative action is a type of lawsuit where one of the parties is a group of people who are represented collectively by a member of that group. The class action originated in the United States and is still predominantly a U.S. phenomenon, but Canada, as well as several European countries with civil law have made changes in recent years to allow consumer organizations to bring claims on behalf of consumers.

A legal team usually sends out mail announcements to consumers who they believe may be eligible to take part in a particular lawsuit.   Honesty, I ignored a few until, one day I didn’t.  I received a mailer sharing information about a Sirius music subscription suit that was forming  and awarding money.  I had a Sirius subscription for 1-month and they said I qualified.  I submitted my information.  A few months later I received a check for almost $90.  I was shocked.  I previously, threw away so many other mail similar to this one.  I thought they may have been scams so I ignored them.  But not any more, I submitted another one regarding a lawsuit pertaining to my car.  I received only $6 dollars for that one.  However, leaving money on the table is never a good thing.  Take advantage of what you have coming, you could be leaving quite a bit of money out there for others to take.

Class action suits, split the awarded money among all those who are registered as part of the suit.  The less people register, the more money gets split between the participants.  Here is a site you can check to see if there are any lawsuits you meet requirement of.  Class Action Suit List


Don’t Leave Money On the Table!


By K.D.

Your favorite person that has a nerdy love for all things finances and goal setting. Born immigrant who came to the U.S. and is living the American dream with a lot of God's Blessing and hard-work, that is. Thanks for joining my world. Virtual hugs!

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